Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm back...

Here I am posting twice in one day...but I just couldn't resist sharing how the appt went. Like I have said before it wasn't a big deal because I was just going in to do Family History with a nurse...but as I got there and all everyone wanted to do was talk baby...I found myself getting SO EXCITED and proud. It was so much fun! She gave me lots of documentation to look at, explained to me how the insurance works, I answered a million questions...and last but not least I had to give more blood! Again, it went fine maybe I will be able to get over this phobia soon. :-) Anyway my first appt with the "doctor" is a week from today so I am just so pumped for that...she said they would measure and listen for the heartbeat and all sorts of fun stuff. I can NOT wait!!

I hate to bring you down...but on a sad note (which proved to me the pregnancy emotions are still in high gear) when we were leaving the doctors office we went by the backside of the hospital. I saw three or four men in scrubs crouched down around something and I couldn't see what it was...until we got close...and I realized it was a sick little boy in a wheelchair hooked up to a big machine and they were out letting him see the sun. I burst out bawling! I find myself ULTRA sensitive to stuff about children anymore. Please say a prayer for that little boy...whoever it was. (Nicole I don't know how you deal with this stuff!!!)


  1. I so know what you mean! I saw a child in a torn coat and it really bothered me.
