Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Of course these pictures don't do it justice because you can not tell the depth but we received 20 inches in one is the record breaking snow as it was coming down from the view of my back porch.
 Opening my front door
 Opening my garage door...
 Daddy stays super busy during these snow days...but finally we did get some family time.

 Now we just need to get Bobby some matching Carhardts.

 Then it was time to just snuggle inside...where it was warm and cozy. He liked that better!

I honestly don't even know what I am going to do if we get the additional 5-10 inches they are calling for this week. I just got my car out of the garage today for the first time in almost a week. Talk about cabin fever. I can't stand it. I M.U.S.T break free to the outside world again. I can NOT miss anymore work. I want to be able to go to the store and buy meat, or bread, or milk (that's right they are ALL OUT!). I have had enough of this chaos! I lost power for about a half hour this morning and I thought I was going to go into a state of panic! I was just sure it would be days before they got it fixed...thank GOD it came back on shortly. I think I am just on a short fuse.  But hopefully this week will turn BIRTHDAY is Tuesday...and I am determined to get out and enjoy it! 


  1. I can't believe how much snow you guys have gotten!! I kind of miss that, but then again it is nice not having to worry about getting around. It snowed/sleeted Friday like 1/2 or 1 inch and the whole town shut down! :) But then everything was melted the next day and back to normal!

  2. what are you doing for your birthday??
