Friday, November 5, 2010


Soooo I will be off of work Monday and Tuesday of next week cause the Reed family is packing up and heading to St. Louis for Bobby's first appt at the Shriner's hospital. To say I am excited is an understatement! I keep getting my hopes up that we will come of out there with some magical plan to fix Bobby's arm up completely...but I really need to come back to reality. We will probably just get interviewed, examined, and hopefully explained to our options. But STILL this is going to be BY FAR the most individual attention we have gotten from a doctor thus far. So anything will be an improvement. If the doctor will actually just sit down and/or spend more than five minutes with us...or even actually look at an xray and talk to us about it I will be more than grateful. I just want to have a plan. I want to know what all our options are. I want to know what risks are involved? If starting young is beneficial or will limit our options later? I want to know whether or not Bobby will have full sensition in that hand? I want to know if you can put full pressure on that hand? I want to know if he will be able to crawl? I want to know what things are going to be like in five years, ten years, and his adult options? I want ANSWERS! I have got one chance to protect this little guy and I want to give him my best shot...give him access to the best doctors there are. I don't care how much it costs or where in the world it is. There are no limits in mind. It is my first priority in life.

Anyway....wish us luck! His appt is 8:30 am on Tuesday morning!

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