Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hopes & Dreams for the next 365 days...

So I pooped out at the end of the challenge...but there was one day that I wished I had time to blog because I think it will be fun to look back on later. Hence the title Hopes & Dreams for the next 365 days.

A lot has happened to me in the last year...we had ups and downs and life went in directions that I never expected. BUT we not only survived...I somehow have come out on the other end happier than ever! I guess that's what a little baby will do to you...pure bliss! Although I have to admit that I think my little angel is specifically special, but I am sure all mom's would feel that way.  My goal for the next year is to really really try and absorb and enjoy every single second of life.

A list in no particular order...Take advantage of getting together with friends, play and giggle with Bobby instead of watching TV, get outside and take walks when the weather is beautiful, create new traditions on the holidays, allow myself to buy things that make me happy, not work late to try get ahead but instead get home to my family, get Bobby the best specialist in the world lined up to help him with his arm, spend as much time as possible with siblings and family, take a trip, visit call and absorb every single second with my grandma that I have, do something special for my husband, find a way to every show my appreciation to my mother-in-law for watching our angel every day...not because she feels she has too or that she gets compensated in ANY way...but because she truly loves Bobby with all of her heart and WANTS to take care of him, nurse Bobby until he is a year old, be a better friend, give more back to those who have always given to me, prove to work that I am still focused, reliable and hard working even after having a baby, kiss my dogs and try and show them I still adore them even though Bobby has taken over their world, enjoy cozy evenings at home with my four most favorite creatures on the planet Robby, Bobby, Kayli and Coco...and last but not least...smile and look around ...I am sooooo blessed and I take it for granted every day...I don't want to just go through the motions of life...I want to ENJOY EVERY BIT OF IT!

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